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Make First Impressions Count for your business

First impressions count. And when it comes to your business, you want the first impression to be a pleasant and a memorable one. For some businesses, the first impression of the business occurs as the potential customer walks in the door and is greeted by the receptionist. For other businesses, it could be the first meeting with your marketing or sales employee.

We all know that neat appearances matter at the workplace, and specifically when it comes to frontal sales, reception and other customer facing positions. In order for your business to present a successful front to your customers, you need to start thinking about the positions that are the first interface with the potential customer. Hiring an attractive model for these positions can benefit the business significantly.

University of Texas labor economist Daniel Hamermesh dedicated a whole book to the topic of the benefits of beauty from an economical point of view. The book, titled Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful (Princeton University Press), offers data gathered about the correlation between success, self-confidence, and beautiful people.

Wouldn’t you favor hiring a beautiful person that can boost sales and success for your business as well? The answer is probably yes. When it comes to finding attractive and intelligent talents, the modeling and entertainment industry are the first places to search. It doesn’t mean that beauty is the only talent you need to seek, but it is an important aspect to consider, that can increase sales, and customer loyalty for many businesses. Make sure your business offers a memorable first impression!

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